HTML&JSP&Javascript2011. 6. 19. 01:12
하나의 항목을 선택하면 그 항목과 관련된 또다른 항목이 나타나면서 선택할 수 있는 콤보박스입니다

<!--아래의 스크립트를 head 부분에 넣으세요-->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
var MainList=new Array(5);;
var SubList=new Array(11);;

//define objects for the main list
function ListItem(nvalue,description){
        //function for defining the elements of the main list

//define objects for the dependent list
function ListSubItem(category,nvalue,description){
        //function for defining the elements of the sublists

function PrepareData(){
// the function will fill in 2 arrays.  The function can be filled in ASP
// so the values from the array will come from the database

MainList[0]=new ListItem(0,"Fruits");
MainList[1]=new ListItem(1,"Vegetables");
MainList[2]=new ListItem(2,"Sex");
MainList[3]=new ListItem(3,"Girls names");
MainList[4]=new ListItem(4,"Boys names");
MainList[5]=new ListItem(5,"Cities");

//Fill the values of the second list
//The first parameter is the category, the second is the value to be returned
//from this selection and the third one is the text that appears in the
//combo box
SubList[0]=new ListSubItem(0,0,"Apples");
SubList[1]=new ListSubItem(0,1,"Pear");
SubList[2]=new ListSubItem(1,2,"Tomato");
SubList[3]=new ListSubItem(1,3,"Cucumber");
SubList[4]=new ListSubItem(2,4,"Male");
SubList[5]=new ListSubItem(2,5,"Female");
SubList[6]=new ListSubItem(3,6,"Georgina");
SubList[7]=new ListSubItem(3,7,"Susanne");
SubList[8]=new ListSubItem(4,8,"Peter");
SubList[9]=new ListSubItem(4,9,"Paul");
SubList[10]=new ListSubItem(5,10,"Amsterdam");
SubList[11]=new ListSubItem(5,11,"Paris");

function reFillList(){
var selValue;
var nOption;
//alert("Selected value=" +selValue);
// clear the actual list by setting its length to 0
for (var i=0; i < SubList.length;i++){
        //fill the box with the values corresponding to
        //the category in the first box
        if (SubList[i].category==selValue) {
                form1.sublist.options[nOption]=new Option(SubList[i].description,SubList[i].nvalue);

function checkvalues(){
//show the selected values
        var val1;
        var val2;
        var cString;
        cString="Main List=value:" + val1 + "-Description:"+MainList[val1].description
        cString+="Sub List=value:" + val2+ "-Description:"+SubList[val2].description



<!-- 아래의 스크립트를 body 내에 넣으세요 -->
<FORM name="form1">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
var page=""
var i;
// call the function that fills in the arrays so we'll use them to fill the select
page+="Select the main list: ";
page+="<SELECT NAME='mainlist' onChange='reFillList()'>";
for (i=0;i<MainList.length;i++) {
        page+="<OPTION VALUE="+MainList[i].nvalue;
        if (i==0) {
                page+=" SELECTED ";

Select SubList:

<SELECT NAME='sublist' size=2>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
// since we have selected the first value in the main list, we have to fill this list


<INPUT type="button" value="Press me" id=button1 name=button1 onClick="checkvalues()">

- 출처 : -
Posted by 아로나